Survey: Are you likely to attend a seminar/workshop about returning to work?

Post-amputation, did you return to work?
Would you like to return to work?
What issues/concerns interfered with you returning to work?

We are collecting answers to these questions (and six more) to get a better idea of the interest among people with limb loss in attending a seminar or workshop on the topic of returning to work. When completing the survey, you will also have the opportunity to request to be informed when the seminar/workshop is scheduled.

Thank you for your valuable participation!

Survey: Are you likely to attend a seminar/workshop about returning to work?

Post-amputation, did you return to work? 
Would you like to return to work? 
What issues/concerns interfered with you returning to work?

We are collecting answers to these questions (and six more) to get a better idea of the interest among people with limb loss in attending a seminar or workshop on the topic of returning to work. When completing the survey, you will also have the opportunity to request to be informed when the seminar/workshop is scheduled.


Thank you for your valuable participation!

News: Updates, Activities, Etc.

Local Area Resources

The following documents available for download are amputee resources for Hartford area, Milford/Bridgeport area, and New Haven area. Included are: contact information for local prosthetic and orthotic companies, a list of amputee support groups with contact information and meeting dates, state agencies and more.

Falling Down

Falling down is part of life. Getting back up is living.

If you stumble, make it part of the dance.

[Jose N. Harris]